How to grow brand awareness with Facebook Video

Using Facebook videos to build brand awareness Video is a better medium for the phone because you can share so much more information in a short time compared to text. The mobile screen has never been good for reading, but it’s perfect for a quick glance at a video. If you’re ignoring video, you may be missing out on a huge portion of your audience. If you need any more proof of the emerging power of video, take a look at the growth of video based social media platforms like Snapchat. Snapchat is growing twice as quickly as other platforms like Twitter, and in a few short years, has become the second most used social media app in the United States. Facebook has been aware of this trend toward video and is taking steps to make sure it maintains its dominance in the social media arena. In the last year, Facebook has made a major push toward video by allowing video ads and making videos play automatically in the news feed. Videos have proven to have the greatest organic reach on Facebook.
According to Social Bakers, videos have nearly twice the organic reach as other forms of content on Facebook, and Facebook is surpassing YouTube for the total number of videos
uploaded. The main purpose of Facebook videos By now you can recognize the power of video and the potential reach, so let’s talk about how you can break into video with your brand.
To understand how we can make the most impact with our videos on Facebook, we must first understand why people are logging onto Facebook. Compared to a platform like AdWords, buying intent is quite low on Facebook. Nobody logs onto Facebook hoping to see an ad for something they want to buy. People log on to connect with friends, get a sense of belonging, present themselves and their ideas. People want to share their interests, ideas and lifestyles with their friends. If you want successful videos on Facebook, you need to help users with these desires.
The New York Times did an incredible study on why we share content. Here are 4 of the highlights from the report:
- To build relationships with each other: Sharing content helps us stay connected with
people both near and far. - To define ourselves: Most of us use Facebook as a personal brand. We share the content
that helps others get a better sense of what we care about. - To inform and entertain: We share to let our friends know about products they may care
about, change their opinions, encourage action or simply share a laugh. - To be a part of something bigger: We share information that we care about because it
makes us feel more involved in our communities and the world, and to support causes and
issues we care about.
Your videos should aim for these results. In the next section, I’ll share examples for a few different video strategies. Take a look at each of the videos and see if you can identify how each video appeals to these actions. Conversely, take a look at why people avoid liking a brand’s page according to an eMarketer poll. People are very sensitive to advertising; they don’t want to see annoying ads in their feed and they don’t want to expose their friends to ads either…
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